two children on sled

Haile Foundation Match to end child abuse

Gifts of safety, gifts of hope.

two children on sled

For a limited time, the Carol Ann & Ralph V. Haile, Jr./U.S. Bank Foundation will double your gift to end the cycle of child abuse! This holiday season, bring an end to child abuse and give the gift that all children deserve–safety, peace, and hope.

Family Nurturing Center works to end child abuse in your community by promoting individual well-being and healthy family relationships. Over the past 40 years, donors like you have helped hundreds of thousands of children and adults in Ohio and Kentucky through the Family Nurturing Center.

Join your neighbors and help a child in your area who is suffering from abuse. All you have to do is donate, and we do the rest. It’s the best gift you could ever give–safety, peace, and hope.

And for a limited time, your gift will be doubled! Don’t wait.

We are moving our Florence office!


5 Spiral Drive, Florence, KY

Family Nurturing Center is excited to announce the relocation of our Florence office location to 5 Spiral Drive to allow for expansion!  The new site is also located in Florence and just over two miles away from our current office.  We are excited to offer more space in a family friendly atmosphere for clients and staff to enjoy.


Our new location will offer:

  • Additional rooms for expanded counseling services
  • A large training room and space for expressive therapies
  • Located on a public bus line
  • Free parking with more spots
  • More space for private offices and collaborative workspace
  • Conference room and meeting spaces.

Thank you for your patience and understanding during the transition.

The Journey. Our 2017-18 Annual Report

Dear Friends:

We’re pleased to provide you with this year’s annual report, a summary  of programs, progress and possibilities in our work to end the cycle of child abuse.

The information in this summary is just a snapshot of our work and the people we serve.  It provides an overview of our evidenced based services, showcases our impact on children and families, and highlights the many partners in our efforts to end the cycle of child abuse.

We are privileged to help so many children and adults in their paths to healing, and honored that you are supporting us in the journey to a world where children are safe and families are thriving.

Together, we can end child abuse.  Together, we can create hope and opportunity.  Together, we can make the world a better place for children and families.


Annual Report 2017-18 632.52 KB 61 downloads


History isn’t destiny. Healing is possible.

Please take a moment out of your day to read the amazing story of Dre’Sha.  Hers is a story of the healing power of relationships and strength to overcome some of life’s most difficult adversities.  Her journey is a testament to the impact of caring adults and the resiliency of people experiencing trauma.

It has been an absolute honor to watch Dre’Sha’s strength grow through this process and we want her to know we are so proud of all that she has worked so hard to overcome and achieve.  Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your journey.


Thank you Lucy May along with the team at  WCPO – 9 On Your Side for sharing a message of hope to people who may feel powerless to change their situations. History doesn’t have to be destiny, and Dre’Sha is proof of that!

Ending the cycle of child abuse is an admirable goal, but it is one that we can not do alone.  We need your help.  A donation to Family Nurturing Center, no matter the amount, will help our staff continue to support others like Dre’sha through their journey to healing for generations to come.

Help us BELIEVE in the hope of children.

In this season of hope, you can help create a community where children live free from neglect and abuse. 

Provide love and care for a child through your gift to Family Nurturing Center. 

Thank you from the staff, volunteers, Board of Directors, and most of all, the children and families we serve.

Wishing you a holiday season filled with joy and a happy, healthy New Year.

Help us BELIEVE in the hope of children.  Make your year end charitable donation HERE.

Staff Wish List for Holiday Giving

Some people prefer to give something more tangible than cash. We do need to raise a certain amount of money to support our existing programs. But providing items that we normally purchase will help us cut costs, thereby increasing funds available for other areas. This is an especially effective way to involve groups – (churches, professional groups, clubs, school groups, etc) in gift giving.

Please look over our Staff Wish List for items that they have specifically requested to better serve the needs of children and families in need.

Staff Wish List


Check out our fall issue of Nurture

Change is in the air.   Temperatures are dropping, leaves are turning, sweaters are replacing T-shirts.

Change is more than a season at Family Nurturing Center; it’s a call to action.  We change knowledge and attitudes with information and education.  We change patterns of unhealthy choices and behaviors with new, healthy options and tools to implement them.  We change feelings of despair and isolation with hope and community.  We change conversations, moving difficult discussions  from the darkness of shame  to the light of day.  In short, we change lives and community.  We are change-makers.

Ironically, we create change with our consistency.  Our consistent commitment to our values is on full display on the front cover, where staff members depict those qualities that describe Family Nurturing Center and our approach to service.  Our steadfast belief is that people deserve to be treated with respect and dignity, and we work together to provide  evidence-based solutions that empower people and create lasting change.  Through it all, our dedication to ending the cycle of child abuse is constant. It is the catalyst for the dynamic, innovative work you see in this publication as we work together to create positive outcomes for children and families.

Please take a moment to read our Fall 2018 issue of Nurture so you can join us in this important work. Like love, community, positivity and our other core values, it is something that knows no season.


Fall Newsletter 2018 7.40 MB 147 downloads


Can you donate pumpkins for children to decorate?

We are in need of 150 small to medium size pumpkins for children in our Visitation Program to decorate at our Fall Festival.

Visitation provides an opportunity for children to visit with non-custodial parents in a safe, supervised setting, and build skills needed to enhance healthy family functioning.

Approximately 80% of these children are in foster care and all are referred through Hamilton County (Ohio) Department of Job and Family Services.

To donate pumpkins, contact Jordyn Cook. Deadline is Oct. 23.

Nurturing Parenting Facilitator Training October 1-3

Participants will learn:          
  • The philosophy of Nurturing Parenting.
  • The five parenting constructs of abuse/neglect.
  • The impact of maltreatment on brain development.
  • How to assess high risk parenting beliefs.
  • To tailor make programs based on family’s needs.
  • To gather process evaluation data.
  • To evaluate pre-post program impact.
  • To implement home, group program models.

Carol Lapin, MSSW, has been teaching, training, and sharing the philosophy and skills of the Nurturing Parenting Programs® for adults, children and adolescents since 1996. In 1998 she received the recognition of Dr. Stephen Bavolek, principal author of the programs, as a National Trainer and Consultant in the Nurturing Parenting Programs®.

Payment Information:

  • For online credit card payment, select the Register Online blue button.  Include all participant names and personal contact information in the Contact Information field.  We ask all participants to also download the Nurturing Parenting Facilitator Training form and send completed form to [email protected].
  • For mail in payments, we ask all participants to download the Nurturing Parenting Facilitator Training form and mail completed form with payment to:

Family Nurturing Center
Attn:  Carol Lapin
8275 Ewing Blvd.
Florence, KY  41042


No refunds within one week prior to training date.  There will be a $25 cancellation fee per registrant.


Conducted by Carol Lapin, MSSW
National Trainer/Consultant of Nurturing Parenting Programs


October 1-3, 2018


Washington  County Cooperative Extension Office
245 Corporate Drive
Springfield, KY 40069


 Even if you are paying by credit card online, please also download the Nurturing Parenting Facilitator Training form for all participants and send to [email protected].

Register Online


$300 per person

Training is equivalent to 15 CEUs by the Kentucky and Ohio Board of Social Work.

New KY tax laws impacting non-profits

Effecting July 1, 2018, Kentucky has initiated new tax laws that will require Family Nurturing Center to charge sales tax on charitable event tickets, sponsorship and some professional services.  We are making every effort to adhere to these new regulations in our interpretation by our agency’s tax consultants.  These new laws will impact the pricing of our Blue Ribbon Bash ticket sales.  The article below is from Nonprofit Quarterly.

Taxes on Nonprofit Fundraisers? What Is Going On in the Bluegrass State?

July 1, 2018; Daily Independent (Ashland, KY) and Bowling Green Daily News

The landscape in Kentucky has just changed with the combination of a recent state supreme court ruling and a new tax bill that was passed by the legislature. On July 1, 2018, House Bill 487 went into effect, involving a change in the overall income tax and increasing the number of new services for which providers will be required to charge sales tax. This comes quickly on the heels of a State Supreme Court decision stating that nonprofit organizations are exempt only from property tax. As a result, there is uncertainty and some fear among nonprofits about the impact on such things as memberships and even receipts from fundraising events and silent auctions.

The new tax bill was passed by the legislature in early April of this year. Although it was vetoed by Governor Bevins a few days later, the legislature overrode that veto and the law went into effect. Kentucky is one of only thirteen states that collects a local income tax, and according to the Urban Brookings Tax Policy Institute, it has the 12th-least progressive income tax structure in the US. Other conservative state lawmakers, such as Maine’s governor Paul LePage, have also proposed taxing nonprofits to make up state budget holes.

The full ramifications of this major tax code overhaul won’t be apparent for some time, but one of the drivers was that new sources of revenue were needed for the state’s severely underfunded pension system.

The basic elements of the new plan include a change in the income tax system and an increase in sales tax:

  • The income tax will move from a graduated system to a flat 5 percent.
  • The corporate tax is also flattened to 5 percent, changing from a graduated rate ranging from 4 to 6 percent.
  • A list of previously exempt services and products that now must charge 6 percent sales tax include campground rental, facility and event admission fees, and indoor tanning services (see here for a more comprehensive list).
  • An increase in “sin” taxes, such as those on cigarettes.

Some say these changes make Kentucky suddenly a lot more attractive to businesses through leveling the playing field and removing some antiquated systems. (Kentucky is said to move up from 33rd in the nation to 18th on Tax Foundation’s “business climate index.”) On the other hand, others argue the tax bill simply makes the majority of the state’s residents pay for a tax cut to the richest people and corporations. Previously, the income tax range had been from 2 percent to 6 percent, depending on annual earnings. In short, the highest-paid people in the state are going to see a decrease in the amount they have to pay in income tax. Just about everyone else will see an increase.

Not long before the legislature passed this new tax bill, the State Supreme Court ruled that nonprofit exemption from revenue-generating taxes is limited in that state to property tax. According to one analysis of the decision, it relies on the interpretation of the law as exempting nonprofits only from laws pertaining to the ownership of property and not sales of products and services.

So, what does this mean for nonprofits in the Bluegrass State? Confusion, by the sound of it. One report is headlined, “Nobody was expecting this.” Several nonprofits talked about being blindsided by the need to collect sales tax. For some, the impact is fairly clear, with the local YMCA having to charge 6 percent more for membership dues. For others, it is less clear; one nonprofit leader was unsure if sales during a silent auction at a fundraising event have to include sales tax.

One legislator (Rep. Dan Bently, R-Russell) is quoted as arguing that nonprofits have nothing to fear, as the taxes are intended to be paid by the user, not by the nonprofit. In reality, however, nonprofits seem to be asking themselves whether it would be better to add the new sales tax to the cost of an event or service or to maintain the current pricing and simply “eat” the tax. Adding to the cost could drive patrons away with higher costs or make it more difficult for people to access benefits like YMCA memberships, but not adding it represents a direct cut to the income received.

A quick review of some of the nonprofits in the Bluegrass State suggest that this could be a difficult situation for them, simply from the point of view of how to devote person hours to this new requirement. The Independent Sector reports that the nonprofit sector in Kentucky generates $23.8 billion in revenue and employs 130,400 people at just over 17,000 nonprofits. Using statistics from the National Center for Charitable Statistics, we look at three counties to get a more detailed picture of the size of nonprofits.

  • Jefferson County, based around Louisville, is the most populous county with 763,000 residents as of 2015. There were 1001 nonprofit organizations reporting income of some kind that year. Of these, 607 or 61 percent reported income less than $500,000.
  • Boone County, located in the north of the state close to Cincinnati, is the 4th-largest county by population with 119,000 residents. Of the 73 nonprofits reporting income in 2015, 31 had receipts under $100,000 or 42 percent.
  • Oldham County, just northeast of Jefferson County, is the wealthiest county in the state, by median population. It has a low level of nonprofit activity with only 43 reporting any income in 2015. Of these, 56 percent reported income of less than $100,000.

Any benefit the state would get by imposing the sales tax on nonprofits is likely to come from a small number of larger organizations. The smaller organizations, on the other hand, will have to take time away from delivery of service to the community from their very limited paid or volunteer staff to comply with the new regulation. Is it really worth it?—Rob Meiksins