Change is in the air. Temperatures are dropping, leaves are turning, sweaters are replacing T-shirts.
Change is more than a season at Family Nurturing Center; it’s a call to action. We change knowledge and attitudes with information and education. We change patterns of unhealthy choices and behaviors with new, healthy options and tools to implement them. We change feelings of despair and isolation with hope and community. We change conversations, moving difficult discussions from the darkness of shame to the light of day. In short, we change lives and community. We are change-makers.
Ironically, we create change with our consistency. Our consistent commitment to our values is on full display on the front cover, where staff members depict those qualities that describe Family Nurturing Center and our approach to service. Our steadfast belief is that people deserve to be treated with respect and dignity, and we work together to provide evidence-based solutions that empower people and create lasting change. Through it all, our dedication to ending the cycle of child abuse is constant. It is the catalyst for the dynamic, innovative work you see in this publication as we work together to create positive outcomes for children and families.
Please take a moment to read our Fall 2018 issue of Nurture so you can join us in this important work. Like love, community, positivity and our other core values, it is something that knows no season.