Thank you for a safe place to visiting my son since birth and thanks for telling me how good of a job I am doing with my child :-)! Plus thanks for being nice to me and my daughter when she was visiting her even though I have no problems with visiting her :-)!.
–Submitted By Anonymous
We had the new show “Kids on the Block bullying” at our school this week for grades 2-5, and it was excellent! The children loved the new puppets, the script was very kid-friendly and the bullying topics that were covered encompassed all forms of bullying, showing the children that it can be done by any child, girl or boy and what to do when it happens and who to tell. Bullying is becoming such a problem now, starting early in a child’s school career, and this program was a great tool for us to use to help the children understand what it is, what it looks like and what to do when it happens. I would recommend it for any school. We were very impressed, and will definitely have them back next year! Thanks so much!
–Submitted By Elementary School Counselor
I think this TIC TOC group has been a beautiful experience. I wish that I had learned of this program BEFORE tragedy struck in my family. I would recommend that everyone who has children attend the 12 weeks of this program to learn the red flags just in case it is happening to your family members. This program is heaven sent. God bless everyone who donates to this program.
–Submitted By Tic Toc Parent
As a clinical psychologist who frequently conducts child custody evaluations, visitation evaluation and assessments of adult and juvenile male sex offenders, I find the Family Nurturing Center’s service to this community to be of the utmost importance for the children and families they service. Their primary goal is to protect and advocate for the psychological well-being of children.
Their service is professional, thorough and fully committed to ensuring that the children are not only protected but also are able to preserve a healthy and nurturing attachment to a parent who may have acted inappropriately or offensively. This service is not only of the utmost importance to our community but also to the well being future generations in this community.
–Submitted By Ed Connor, Psy. D., Licensed Clinical Psychologist
Out of sight, not out of mind. We’ve been thinking about each of you and because of you, we are a better family. Thanks for sharing your knowledge in such a loving way.
–Submitted By Anonymous Parent and Teen
The Family Nurturing Center has been an excellent resource for the families we serve. They truly believe in a collaborative effort and hae demonstrated on numerous occasions their willingness to work with the Cabinet for Families and Children on specific cases and on community based endeavors.
–Submitted By Krista Menne, Cabinet for Families and Children
Last week I was sitting at my dining room table looking at my calendar. I realized that there was only a couple of weeks left of TIC TOC. I am not embarrassed to say that tears came to my eyes. This group has been the only thing I have had for support. There have been several times when I felt like I could not get through another day and then I would tell myself that TIC TOC is only a few days away.
It is a relief to be able to talk to others who can relate to what my family is going through. When sexual abuse hits home you feel like you are all alone on another planet with absolutely no one else to talk to or cry with. If you need a shoulder to cry on you know at TIC TOC it will be there for you. My son has looked forward to Monday nights as well. I think it has given him back a sense of security and self-esteem.
–Submitted By Rachel B., Tic Toc Parent
“My child was totally against coming, but from the second meeting she was talking openly and willing. I feel you give hope to families. Good Work!”
–Submitted By Child Abuse Treatment Services Testimonial from Parent
“I believe that the Tic Toc program makes a big difference in the lives of the abused children and their lives by getting everything out in the open so the road to recovery can begin.”
–Submitted By Child Abuse Treatment Services Testimonial from Parent
“It has been very helpful in helping to sort out feelings and recognizing my needs to get assistance. I also was able to learn how to assist my daughter in her struggles as a victim of sexual abuse. I also learned more about sexual abuse.”
–Submitted By Child Abuse Treatment Services Testimonial from Parent
“It has made me realize I am not the only one in this situation. And there is help for you if you really want it. You are not alone. I have learned a lot about sexual abuse. Hopefully it has helped me to help my children and myself. Thank you all for being here.”
–Submitted By Child Abuse Treatment Services Testimonial from Parent
I stepped in to help my daughter with my granddaughter for a period of time. It was a stressful time for us all but I am so blessed to have been able to help. The classes the Family Nurturing Center provided helped pull us tighter together.
The lessons taught were right on point and the caring of the facilitators was heartwarming.
I have the greatest respect and admiration for the wonderful women and men that take time to share their lives and experiences all in an effort to help guide and cheerlead us through turbulent times or just in helping us to enhance and bond tighter as families. My experience has inspired in me a desire to get involved and nurture other families, heal wounds, mend the broken pieces and provide tools to create strong families, just has been done for my family.
Thank you and God Bless. There is a special place for you all in my heart
–Submitted By C.K. Grandparent