Family Nurturing Center is recognized as a national trainer/consultant for the Nurturing Parenting Programs and offers a wide range of education, awareness and skill trainings to professionals and community groups. Customized workshops, trainings and in-services are available on a fee for service basis and can last anywhere from one hour to several days.
View a list of upcoming trainings and register online:
Professional Trainings
Child Adult Relationship Enhancement (CARE) Training
CARE is a field-initiated modification of the evidence-based Parent Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT). Participants will learn skills to help build good relationships with children, improve communication with all children, improve a child’s willingness to comply, and help children improve social skills. [4 hour training]
Engaging Father’s Training
This training is designed to change the culture of private and public agencies to be more father friendly by making them aware of the issues that keep fathers from developing healthy relationships with their children and by helping them develop strategies for integrating fatherhood into their mission and services. [2 hour training]
Families in Substance Abuse Treatment & Recovery Facilitator Training
Three day training that focuses on the impact of substance use, mental illness and trauma on parenting and the parent-child relationship. [3 day training]

Nurturing Father’s Program Facilitator Training
Participants will learn best practices on how to cultivate and support the attitudes and skills for male nurturance , which benefits men, women, and children in family relationships through a 13-week evidence-based program. [2 Day Training]
Nurturing Parenting Programs Facilitator Training
Nurturing Parenting is founded on the belief that children who are cared for develop the capacity to trust, care and respect themselves, other people and living creatures and the environment. During this three day training, participants will learn best practices on these seven founding principles: Feelings of Attachment, Empathy, Nurturing One Self, Gentle Touch, Discipline, Expressing Feelings, and Expectations and Self-Worth. [3 Day Training]
Nurturing Philosophy Training
Participants will focus specifically with the six protective factors from the Administration for Children and Families as a result from the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study and learn how the Nurturing Parenting Philosophy builds into families the following protective factors: Nurturing and Attachment, Knowledge of parenting and child/youth development, Parental Resilience, Social Connections, Concrete Supports for Parents, and Social and Emotional Competence of Children. [6 hour training]
Community Trainings
Stewards of Children
Participants will learn steps to preventing, recognizing and reacting responsibly to child sexual abuse. Click here to view the Stewards of Children page. [2 hour training]
Trauma Informed Care Training
Participants will increase knowledge on what trauma is and how to support others who have had traumatic experience in order to promote resiliency and recovery. [6 hour training]
Ways of the Nurturing Father
This workshop series include the following topics: Positive Discipline, Fathering Sons and Fathering Daughters, Ten Tips for Being a Great Dad, Nurturing Relationships through Communication, My Father and Me, Parenting Together, The Art of Teamwork, Teenage Children: A Parent’s Survival Kit, and Newborns: Being there for Mom and Baby. One or more of these sessions can be scheduled. [1.5 to 3 hour each]
All trainings are scheduled through Jenny Smith, Prevention & Wellness Specialist. Continuing Education Units are available from the OH Social Work Board and KY Board of Social Work.
View a list of upcoming trainings and register online: