Blue Ribbon Trees and Pinwheels for Prevention

Everyone has the power to make a difference in the life of a child.  Choose to be the difference and Build a Blue Ribbon Tree with the rest of Northern Kentucky. Select a Tree or Construct a Tree – creativity appreciated and encouraged!  Decorate the tree with Blue Ribbons (store bought or home-made).

Hang ribbons on trees to represent any of the following:

  • The number of students who attend a local school or child care
  • Reward kids for random acts of kindness with their name on a blue ribbon
  • Use the ribbons to show your business’s support for children in general
  • Something significant to your business, school or town that shows the importance of child abuse prevention education.

@familynurture #WearBlue4KYKids #OhioWearsBlue2024 #stopchildabuse #FamilyNurturingCenter

Plant a Pinwheels for Prevention garden in front of your school, place of worship, or business. You can order pinwheels directly from our friends at Prevent Child Abuse Kentucky (PCAK).  Visit Pinwheels for Prevention at PCAK.

How To Make A Pinwheel At Home

Pinwheel Coloring Sheet

April 2025 Daily Positive Parenting Tips Calendar