Family Nurturing Center is pleased to offer the Stewards of Children, a revolutionary prevention program designed to teach adults to prevent, recognize and react responsibly to child sexual abuse ,in partnership with Darkness to Light. It uses real people and real stories to show you how to protect children.
Kids on the Block provides school based prevention services about the problem of child abuse. The program equips children with the skills to recognize and report abuse and bullying. Both the Child Abuse Prevention and Bullying and School Safety performances target school age children, Kindergarten through 5th grade.
Non-traditional services to help you heal from trauma and live your best life.
At Family Nurturing Center, our Holistic and Wellness Services help give you the tools to overcome this. The service offers non-traditional approaches to healing that are rooted in trauma-responsive care and have an overarching foundational approach to incorporating a variety of interventions to heal your mind, body, and soul. Participants can use these services to complement other more traditional services, such as counseling and medication, or on their own.
We strive to offer a variety of holistic and wellness services with carefully selected instructors who can assist you and your family in your journey towards healing. The schedules change quarterly, and new classes are added on a rotating basis.
Classes offered in the Winter of 2025 are below. Click hereto sign up for a class.
Each service is provided free of charge and made possible by a grant through the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA). If you have any questions or need additional information or support to register for any listed service, please call Jenny Smith, Prevention and Wellness Specialist, at 859-525-3200 ext. 220 or email [email protected].
“Family Nurturing Center is supported in part by funds from Grant NumberVOCA 2024-FamilyN-00073 awarded through the Kentucky Justice & Public Safety Cabinet (KJPSC) by the U.S. Department of Justice (USDOJ).The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressedin this publication/program/exhibition are those of Family Nurturing Center and do not necessarily reflect the view of the KJPSC or USDOJ”
This project was paid for with funds from the Kentucky Opioid Abatement Advisory Commission by and through the Office of the Attorney General. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in this publication/program/exhibition are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Kentucky Opioid Abatement Advisory Commission or the Office of the Attorney General.
Family Nurturing Center is recognized as a national trainer/consultant for the Nurturing Parenting Programs and offers a wide range of education, awareness and skill trainings to professionals and community groups. Customized workshops, trainings and in-services are available on a fee for service basis and can last anywhere from one hour to several days.
View a list of upcoming trainings and register online:
Child Adult Relationship Enhancement (CARE) Training CARE is a field-initiated modification of the evidence-based Parent Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT). Participants will learn skills to help build good relationships with children, improve communication with all children, improve a child’s willingness to comply, and help children improve social skills. [4 hour training]
Engaging Father’s Training This training is designed to change the culture of private and public agencies to be more father friendly by making them aware of the issues that keep fathers from developing healthy relationships with their children and by helping them develop strategies for integrating fatherhood into their mission and services. [2 hour training]
Families in Substance Abuse Treatment & Recovery Facilitator Training
Three day training that focuses on the impact of substance use, mental illness and trauma on parenting and the parent-child relationship. [3 day training]
Nurturing Parenting Facilitator Training at Adanta Regional Prevention Center in Somerset, KY
Nurturing Father’s Program Facilitator Training Participants will learn best practices on how to cultivate and support the attitudes and skills for male nurturance , which benefits men, women, and children in family relationships through a 13-week evidence-based program. [2 Day Training]
Nurturing Parenting Programs Facilitator Training Nurturing Parenting is founded on the belief that children who are cared for develop the capacity to trust, care and respect themselves, other people and living creatures and the environment. During this three day training, participants will learn best practices on these seven founding principles: Feelings of Attachment, Empathy, Nurturing One Self, Gentle Touch, Discipline, Expressing Feelings, and Expectations and Self-Worth. [3 Day Training]
Nurturing Philosophy Training Participants will focus specifically with the six protective factors from the Administration for Children and Families as a result from the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study and learn how the Nurturing Parenting Philosophy builds into families the following protective factors: Nurturing and Attachment, Knowledge of parenting and child/youth development, Parental Resilience, Social Connections, Concrete Supports for Parents, and Social and Emotional Competence of Children.[6 hour training]
Community Trainings
Stewards of Children
Participants will learn steps to preventing, recognizing and reacting responsibly to child sexual abuse. Click here to view the Stewards of Children page. [2 hour training]
Trauma Informed Care Training Participants will increase knowledge on what trauma is and how to support others who have had traumatic experience in order to promote resiliency and recovery. [6 hour training]
Ways of the Nurturing Father This workshop series include the following topics: Positive Discipline, Fathering Sons and Fathering Daughters, Ten Tips for Being a Great Dad, Nurturing Relationships through Communication, My Father and Me, Parenting Together, The Art of Teamwork, Teenage Children: A Parent’s Survival Kit, and Newborns: Being there for Mom and Baby.One or more of these sessions can be scheduled. [1.5 to 3 hour each]
All trainings are scheduled through Jenny Smith, Prevention & Wellness Specialist. Continuing Education Units are available from the OH Social Work Board and KY Board of Social Work.
View a list of upcoming trainings and register online:
Nurturing Parenting Programs are family based parenting education programs that help families establish a nurturing way of life. Parents and children attend together so that all family members can benefit from participation in the program. The programs are free and offered in a variety of locations throughout the community. Pre-registration is required.
We work with the entire family on topics such as, communication skills, family rules, child development, building empathy, need for consistency and so forth.
This project is funded, in part, under a contract with Prevent Child Abuse Kentucky using state funds allocated by the Kentucky General Assembly via contract number PON2 736 1600001309 4. Other funders include Fiscal Courts in Boone, Campbell and Kenton counties, United Way of Greater Cincinnati, fundraising/special event revenue and private contributions from individuals and organizations.
*Open only through referral from Hamilton County JFS.
Parenting Time Visitation Services offer a step down approach to visitation.
Facilitated – The most intensive visit. A facilitator works one on one with a family, supervising the visit the entire time, providing redirection, modeling, suggestions and resources.
Monitored – A supervised visit with a Family Nurturing Center facilitator. There is one facilitator to three families and is less intensive in nature.
Community – A supervised visit with one facilitator to one family in the community. Community visitation is for families close to reunifying making progress on their case plan.
Visitation provides an opportunity for families to visit in a safe, supervised setting, and build skills needed to enhance healthy family functioning.
Visitation Facilitators provide directed activities, parent education, coaching and feedback to help make the visit successful and assist families in moving toward permanency. Family Nurturing Center Visitation Facilitators are key members of the decision making team and work side by side with the family and Hamilton County Job and Family Services (JFS) staff to help children achieve stability and permanency.
Counseling Services offer both individual counseling with a strong family involvement component as well as group services. Our agency specializes in serving individuals, children and adults who have experienced trauma and have licensed therapists to provide several evidenced based therapy modalities. We have thoughtfully reviewed all models of therapy that we provide and make a commitment through training, supervision and resources, to ensure that our staff in this program can provide them well.
Trauma Therapy
Trauma therapy, trauma-focused therapy, is a specific approach to therapy that is built on the understanding of how traumatic experiences affect an individual’s mental, emotional and physical well-being. This type of therapy aims to help children, adolescents and adult survivors heal from the effects of trauma. Each person’s experience of their difficult experiences is unique. Staff members and supervisors spend time understanding participants and their unique needs so that they can best support the type of services that will assist in participant’s healing journey. Staff work with an entire community of additional supportive services and can assist with connecting to additional resources if needed.
Individual and Family Counseling – Designed to help children with a history of abuse/trauma (including physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse/neglect and witness to domestic violence).
Case Management Services – Available for children and families on an as needed basis to help connect families with resources.
Family Nurturing Center greatly appreciates the support from The Carol Ann and Ralph V. Haile, Jr. Foundation/U.S. Bank Trustee, the Scripps Howard Foundation, The Butler Foundation, and the Fiscal Courts of Boone, Campbell and Kenton counties for funding of our Child Abuse Treatment Services programs and services.
Additional funders include The Kentucky Justice and Public Safety Cabinet and the United Way of Greater Cincinnati. These services were supported by Grant Number VOCA-2022-FamilyN-00106 awarded through the Kentucky Justice and Public Safety Cabinet by the U.S. Department of Justice, Boone, Kenton, and Campbell County Fiscal Courts, and United Way.
The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in this publication/program/exhibition are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Kentucky Justice and Public Safety Cabinet or U.S. Department of Justice.