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Online Tuesdays 1:30 to 3:00 P.M.
The practice of meditation has been handed down by the great sages & teachers of the East for centuries. Meditation calms & stabilizes the mind, strengthens the mind & body & creates a sense of peace & stillness. Research indicates that mediation has many health benefits & most importantly it decreases stress. Stress has been proven to be the underlying cause of many illnesses.
Please join us for this class to experience peace & calm as you learn this valuable skill. Designed to gently ease trauma survivors into the space of quiet & self confidence, we will begin with Guided Meditation. This involves progressive relaxation, self soothing skills & finding your “happy place”.
You will also learn Mindfulness Meditation & Insight Meditation along with Walking Meditation.
This class caters to beginners. Lots of instruction — plenty of time for questions — safe & nurturing environment. You can sit on a chair or if you are able you can sit on the floor on a cushion.
Tisa McGraw, your facilitator, is a senior student in the Shambhala Buddhist lineage, is certified to teach meditation & Buddhist studies, attended seminary & has been practicing & studying for 20+ years. Tisa is also a Licensed Massage Therapist & retired LPN & social worker. She loves teaching & does many workshops & classes for professionals & lay people.
To register email L-A Stopa